If My Google Search History Could Talk | The Angie Files - Angie McPherson Photography

If My Google Search History Could Talk | The Angie Files

A few people have affectionately called me The Google Queen because whenever they ask me for information I’m unsure of, I go straight to Google. Who doesn’t? It’s SUCH a resource haha! I was browsing through my search history over the weekend to reference something and laughed out loud seeing the terms I’ve searched for in the past 30 days. I wanted to put a few of my favorites together in a fun blog post! So here goes nothin’! #nojudgement 🙂

1 year old haircut
Koa got his first haircut ya’ll! His hair was getting pretttty wild and I had been putting it off forever! Shaun finally talked me into letting him cut it so we prepped the workstation (high chair, snacks, water, my iPhone, toys) and he went to work. Koa did surprisingly okay! He didn’t get antsy until Shaun edged up his hairline. I can’t believe my 1 year old has a defined hairline LOL!
Screenshot on a Mac
It’s pretty embarrassing how many times I have to Google this. I do it so much but I just can’t remember the combination! This time it was because I was Skpying with Katelyn James and we wanted to pose with our pups 🙂 It’s been a year since I coached with her and I just adore her heart! FYI- press Command + Shift + 3 (all at the same time) to screenshot your entire screen or Command + Shift + 4 to select a portion. SO helpful.
Quick dinner recipes
This Italian Chicken Bake is SO EASY and SO delicious! Pair it with rice and a salad and you’ve got a quick dinner. I’ve already made it twice since I pinned it!
January TV schedule
OMG! TV is about to get REALLLLLLY good! All of my fave shows went on winter hiatus back in November and I’ve been counting down the days until their return. A few shows I’m looking forward to: Pretty Little Liars (guilty pleasure), How To Get Away with Murder and Quantico. Here’s a Premiere Calendar for ya. What show are you looking forward to returning?

Pictures with Santa in Hampton roads
Here’s a shocker (sarcasm), Koa did NOT like Santa! Haha look at my poor baby! He was totally fine when I went to pick him up. I think he was more upset that I left him with this crazy looking man to snap the picture lol. If he’s anything like me, he’ll bust out laughing at this picture when he’s older 🙂

Thank goodness we can balance the above picture with the below happy one haha! Click here to to see these cute DIY Christmas light pictures that were taken in our bedroom!
Donatos coupon code
Because, pizza.
Echo microphone 
Remember these toys?? I want to buy one for Koa but I am not having much luck finding them! Amazon has them but the reviews are awful. Has anyone seen these in stores?

Cast of Laguna beach
This was my favorite show years ago! In college, a bunch of us girls used to pile into one door room every week just to watch the drama unfold. I’m sure I Googled this because I scrolled through one of the castsmates Instagram and got curious. It saddens me that kids today will never know what happened in Cabo….

Claritin D vs Mucinex D
Because, sickness.
Fuller House trailer
In case you are living under a box, FULLER HOUSE IS COMING TO NEXTFLIX ON FEBRUARY 26TH!! So excited!! The trailer made me cry!! Miranda Lambert + the dog + views of San Fran + the banter among the actors on the other side of the door = ALL THE FEELS! If you haven’t seen it, click here.
I love to express my emotions in GIFS when communicating with friends online. GIFS are hilarious and can be oh so true. I can’t remember exactly what emotion I was searching for so I’ll just insert a GIF relevant to the aforementioned Fuller House trailer. This was my exact reaction. The feelings cannot be contained…

Thanks for reading! What have you been searching on Google?

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